Over the years, I’ve been doing hypnosis and past-life exploration with clients, and I thought I pretty well had it mapped out on how it all worked and what was actually happening during the exploration process. But I’ve been reading some books lately that are disrupting my deepest beliefs about everything. It will definitely affect...
Category: Spirit World Exploration
Shades of “The Knick”
Clients often ask me pertaining to their long-term, difficult-to-diagnose health problems, the questions of “What’s wrong with me? Why can’t all these doctors find the real problem?” Those are questions that I can’t even attempt to answer, because the underlying “reason” for someone’s presenting problems could lie in other levels of that person’s being. We...
Strange Stuff Indeed
Describing these wild energies engulfing us lately, including cosmic, terrestrial, and all this world-wide human-insanity; keeps me shaking my head looking for just the right words, until I find myself simply muttering under my breath, “….Strange stuff.” Yes, that IS what these overall energies feel like to me: Intensely annoying, teeth-grating, strange stuff, for certain....
Paying the Bills
Here we are, the first of the month (April 1st—no fooling) so with a handful of bills in one hand and my checkbook in the other, I give a long sigh saying, “Goodbye money—hope to see more of you again soon.” That’s the contract we make with those who provide us goods and services: we...
Healing vs. Curing
In the healthcare profession, if you are fond of playing in quicksand, take on the subject of Healing vs. Curing. How are they similar? What are the differences? And what does it even mean to heal someone or to cure someone? Many of us who work in complementary or alternative healthcare fields try very hard...