Over the years, I’ve been doing hypnosis and past-life exploration with clients, and I thought I pretty well had it mapped out on how it all worked and what was actually happening during the exploration process. But I’ve been reading some books lately that are disrupting my deepest beliefs about everything. It will definitely affect how I conduct hypnosis in the future.
These are the three books that I’ve recently purchased: The first isn’t that new, and the subject matter isn’t that new either. Ekhart Tolle’s, The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment. This book by itself can stand alone for content and depth of thought, but when combined with the other two books, it creates swirling, kaleidoscopic ménage behind my eyes.
The two newer ones are more beyond-earthly-life focused: Annie Kagan’s The Afterlife of Billy Fingers, which has great one-liner quotes that you’ll see all across Facebook; and Mira Kelley’s Beyond Past Lives, which is just phenomenal on the subject of Past-Life Exploration and themes of multidimensionality. Kelley’s book has surprisingly disrupted my concept of reality.
Kagan’s Billy Fingers book has that Robin William’s movie “What Dreams May Come” after-life quality to it. I imagine this will be on-screen sometime in the near future. It’s good, thought-provoking, and peace-inducing.
But Kelley’s Beyond Past Lives is a true belief-shaker. Reading in it was affecting me so deeply on some level that I could only read a few pages at a time and then have to put it down to process what I’d read. Most of that effect had to do with contemplating the NOW aspect to ALL lives—what we had previously categorized as past, present, and future lives. ALL are instead happening simultaneously NOW.
Conducting past-life explorations is what I do—I know how those sessions go—what people experience—how it affects them—and how I let their Higher Self run the entire session. After reading a few pages in Kelley’s book, I saw a completely different perspective on all of those client-reviewed experiences, and it was belief shattering.
Mira Kelley is saying that there is no such thing as past or future lives—all are NOW lives playing somewhere in some dimension beyond what we are presently experiencing—along with coinciding multiple versions of each “life” all happening at the same time.
These multiple-versions of your life are NOT like viewing different camera angles to the same scene. No, we are seeing the same YOU in the same life but in different scenarios with different scripts, following a different plot, along with the same or a completely different supporting cast as the scene runs—a parallel version(s) of this life (or any other life) depending on the important choices made throughout that life.
It’s that Robert Frost, “Two roads diverged in a yellow woods…” thing. The right path takes you in one direction to one destiny, and the left path goes in a completely different direction to a different destiny. The path you choose at that time, decides the destiny—the outcome.
But the key point is that on some level of reviewing the possibilities, ALL choices are available to see and feel the effects of them in the NOW. ALL possibilities exist somewhere, on some dimension of existence, and ALL are running simultaneously NOW.
I know. This is a hard concept to wrap your head around, and it takes time to digest it. I’m still ruminating on some of this.
So, if you are interested in how truly amazing you are and always were, and always will be, you might want to check out a book or two above. They aren’t exactly “light” reading material, but they are “light-based,” …as are we all.