Soon, rips of “I’m a Yankee Doodle Dandy” and the John Philip Sousa march of “Stars and Stripes Forever” will blare out from loudspeakers everywhere, as children run wildly amuck searching ongoing parade routes for tossed candy. Grabbing, unwrapping and eagerly shoving the treats into open mouths with practiced precision—that same candy that they would...
Tag: Self-help
“When I was a child…..”
I don’t think this statement was originally intended to frame what I’m going to say about it, but it does apply to a very important aspect of how we, as adults, perceive and react to the world around us. Corinthians 13:11New King James Version (NKJV) “ When I was a child, I spoke as a child,...
Changing a Mind
This title is performing double-duty. I began by starting to write about yesterday’s ‘sitting at the kitchen table’ situation of explaining what Past-Life Exploration was to a more skeptical friend, and how it was my patient, detailed response to her scowling question of “Why would anyone want to do that?” that inspired this title; meaning...
High-ground Perspective
“High above the valley, crouched on a peak concealing any view from below, the lookout squinted into the morning sun, watching the early activity in the intruder’s camp far, far beneath him. From this secluded perch, he could see miles in all directions—see what was coming before it got there—allowing preparation time for his fellow...
“The Times They Are A’changin’”
That title is an old mid-60’s Bob Dylan song, but it’s still applicable because the times definitely are changing now; and all of us are changing as well. Sometimes things around us change, and we have to do like-wise; and other times for some reason, we change inside and it forces outside changes around us....
Simply Being Ourselves
Long ago, as a young woman in my early 20’s, I remember asking aloud this question: “What is so wrong about being who I really am?” Took a few decades of experience to answer it simply as “Wrongness isn’t even a consideration in my life, as long as I’m doing what I feel I’m meant...
June’s Resolution
As we once again enter the time of Mercury in Retrograde (June 7th-July 2nd), the dis’s will now give way to the re’s: reexamining, reevaluating, reassessing, readjusting, redoing, removing, and releasing. All of those re’s are aspects of resolution, where the previous dissonance is now resolved—that 7th chord finally reaches the next octave root to...
Those Dissin’ “Chaos” Energies
Noticed a bit of discomfort lately in situations, relationships, and personal endeavors? It might be the malingering effects of the dysfunction-creating “D’s”—those discombobulating chaos energies we’re swimming in at present, with two of the most noticeable aspects being dissonance and disruption. For those of us who are energy sensitive, we know the feel of these...
Deciphering the Patterns of Our Lives
I love jigsaw puzzles—1000 piece, 1500 piece—bring it on! My fascination with them is so pronounced that it becomes a winter obsession once a box is dumped out onto the table awaiting sorting by colors, textures, and border pieces. I spend hours in this focused endeavor to make sense of the chaotic randomness scattered within...
What Is Past-Life Exploration?
Over the last two months I’ve done another half-dozen Past-Life Explorations for clients, and it would seem that no matter how many I do, I’m still as mystified as the clients are at how these sessions seamlessly unfold for them. The extensive range of our life experiences throughout eons of time is both unfathomable and yet...