
Sleeping Easily and Deeply mp3

Original price was: $9.99.Current price is: $6.99.

Highly-effective, deep-sleep hypnosis recording meant to relax body and mind into allowing sleep to naturally happen.  Created and recorded by Certified Hypnotist Rebecca A. Holdorf, MA.

This hypnosis recording of training your mind to relax, let go and allow sleep to happen naturally in its own time, is slightly longer than an hour in total length. Caution should be observed for this recording and any other hypnosis/meditation mp3, that you do not listen to it while driving or operating any mechanical device, as this recording is meant to deeply relax your body and mind, and allow sleep to effortlessly settle in whenever you listen to it.

Disruptive sleep patterns form over time, and they often take reestablishing NEW sleep habits to effectively change them, so listen every night for a week to this recording, and then once or twice weekly after that until you no longer need the recording to sleep.

With the mp3 download, you can then transfer it to your own mp3 player, or burn a CD to play at bedtime. Choose a device that auto-shuts off when the recording is done.

Created and recorded by Certified Hypnotist Rebecca A. Holdorf, MA.

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