The Place of NO Fear

There is a lot of scary stuff in this world around us—both genuine and imaginary. The news media picks up a little genuine “scary stuff” and pumps it full of hot air until it’s hard to tell the difference between the two by the time it reaches the airwaves. Then there are the most atrocious...

Flowing Like a River

We all have difficult times in life—difficult situations, difficult choices, and difficult interactions. Even a river occasionally flows over rocky outcrops and forest debris on its way to the sea.  But most importantly, the river keeps flowing to get there. That’s what we do throughout our lives, we keep moving forward, over the obstacles, through...

Why Would Anyone Want to Be Hypnotized?

I chuckled while writing the title question, because in truth we are being hypnotized most of our waking hours by whatever media device we use, whether we read something, watch something or listen. All forms of mass communication are filled with advertising, which is one of the most blatant forms of persuasive hypnosis that there...

Coming Back Into Balance

Wellness is a term we use to describe a state of physical, mental, and emotional health. For those who look even deeper into illness causation, we could also include spiritual health in the mix. While there are many definitions of what constitutes health for all those interconnected systems, I lean toward describing an optimum condition...

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