What Is Past-Life Exploration?

Over the last two months I’ve done another half-dozen Past-Life Explorations for clients, and it would seem that no matter how many I do, I’m still as mystified as the clients are at how these sessions seamlessly unfold for them.  The extensive range of our life experiences throughout eons of time is both unfathomable and yet...

On Wings of Transformation

During this Iowa spring-weather changeover, while driving to and from work lately, I’ve noticed that there are fewer eagles flying overhead and that the turkey buzzards have replaced them in their fly-zones. Not sure how that goes up in the skies—who decides to vacate when and who else instantly takes their place, but it seems...

Healing vs. Curing

In the healthcare profession, if you are fond of playing in quicksand, take on the subject of Healing vs. Curing. How are they similar? What are the differences? And what does it even mean to heal someone or to cure someone? Many of us who work in complementary or alternative healthcare fields try very hard...

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