
I couldn’t believe I watched it, but I did—all the way to the realism-challenged end. It was one of those “Transformers” movies; and I don’t even know which one it was.

There were lots of unrecognizable machine-type things morphing into more transformers camarocommonly recognizable mechanical-type things used in our present world for transportation and annihilation—sometimes in the same morph. Lots of loud booms, flying bodies, and major destruction everywhere.

And I sat there grimacing at the animated onscreen violence but kept watching it to the-good-guys-win end.

No idea why, other than for distraction from the real-world violence on the news 24/7/365. But it was pretty much the same backdrop scenery in either case—definitely no chick-flick, but then, neither is the news. Fortunately in the movie, there was an eventual end to the violence—at least until the next installment.

If there is a point here that my meandering mind is trying to make, I think it has to do with the word “transformation” and that was the underlying theme of the movie (besides to make big $$$’s for investors): We are all transforming daily into something that we wish we were or something that we want to be; or in some cases, de-transforming into something less than our potential and just shy of our dreams.

In that de-transformation, we devalue ourselves because we lose inner confidence and the courage to keep putting ourselves out there with no visible sign of success for doing so. We may feel defeated and unappreciated until life challenges us in some way to step up and “save the world” from malevolent car parts, …because for some strange reason known only to Transformers movie buffs, …we are the only ones who can (or so the movie goes).

In non-movie reality, real transformation is tough. It requires a lot of effort and dedication to improve ourselves and build our bodies/minds/ and careers into that awesome outcome that we once expected would come so easily to us. Who knew it would take so much hard work getting there—actually being as awesome as we once thought that we could be?

I know that I have transformed myself many times: I’ve had many careers, explored many professions, continued my education degrees, and learned many new “marketable” skills long after my 20’s and 30’s when most folks think they will make their fortunes and have their lives set on a single path toward financial success.

In my opinion based on my own varied life experiences, I think it is less about what you actually do for a living, and more about who you are as a person, and even more importantly, it is about how much you evolve in consciousness and compassion along the way, doing whatever it is that you eventually do with your life.

That’s the transformative purpose of the human experience.

It really doesn’t matter how quickly you can change from being a ‘67 Bumblebee Camaro into a streaking-yellow Stealth fighter.

What matters is that by the end of the movie, you get the girl and you save the world.


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